What to expect on your first orthodontist visit

It’s perfectly normal to be nervous about your first orthodontic visit. But, if you know what to expect, you can alleviate those fears.

Determining Treatment

As with any type of first time visit, you will be required to fill out some paperwork.

A big part of your first visit, though, is determining what treatment may be needed to correct any orthodontic problems, and whether to start treatment now or wait for a more appropriate time.

Your orthodontist will begin by taking a few photographs of your teeth and a series of X-rays, too. This allows him or her to see what’s happening underneath your gums and take a look at the position and growth of joints and bones.

The orthodontist will look at the records and images and perform a thorough examination. Other than looking in your mouth, the orthodontist may ask a series of questions, like if you experience problems with swallowing or chewing or if your jaw makes a noise when you open and close your mouth.

All this information allows the specialist to make a diagnosis and finalise your bespoke treatment plan.

Discussing your options

After the examination, your orthodontist may recommend treatment which could begin right away, or at your next appointment, depending on the developmental stage of your jaws and teeth. Once a treatment plan has been devised, the next discussion will revolve around fees and payment options.

Your first visit is the perfect opportunity to ask questions and discuss all the available treatment options, as well as what to expect at different stages of your process.

You can also discuss:

When you leave your orthodontist’s office, you will have a much better understanding of how he or she can help you achieve the healthiest and most beautiful smile.

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