November 13, 2021


Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you, so it makes sense that you want it to be attractive! In terms of cosmetic dental procedures, veneers are amongst the most popular treatment choices when it comes to smile makeovers, however, we’re all aware of the horror stories that have been associated with getting veneers fitted.

After a range of celebrity stories hit the news in recent years showing before and after photos of veneer treatments, this has led to an increase in patients to wonder: do veneers damage your teeth? Here, we take a further look into dental veneers and whether or not veneers damage your teeth in the long term. 

What Are Veneers? 

Veneers are used to correct more prominent and problematic tooth imperfections, such as chipped, misshapen or crooked teeth. Using a thin porcelain or composite resin, coverings, or veneers, are attached to the surface of a natural tooth using dental cement. As some small adjustments are made to your natural teeth in order to fit the veneers, this is a permanent change. As veneers are permanent, it’s vital that as a dental patient, you get all the relevant information before going ahead with the treatment. 

Why Would I Need Veneers? 

Veneers can greatly improve the colour, shape and appearance of your teeth. By using the right shade and with proper cosmetic dental treatment, veneers can be made to match the shade of your teeth as they are naturally and shaped so that they are not hugely obvious, or if you want to show off your new smile, they can be crafted to give you a brighter, straighter appearance.

Veneers can be used to make your teeth look whole again, which is why they are such a popular treatment. As veneers are attached to the front surface of your teeth, your teeth don’t need to be re-aligned or re-positioned. Veneers can hide a range of minor imperfections, however, veneers can’t always replace orthodontic treatment or other dental procedures, so it’s best to consult with us prior to deciding on veneer treatment. 

What Changes Are Made To Teeth Before Having Veneers? 

In order to prepare your teeth for porcelain veneers, some very small adjustments are made to your natural teeth. This is to ensure that the porcelain material we use properly adheres to the surface of the tooth. In preparation for your veneers, we will remove around half a millimetre of enamel from each tooth that veneers are going to be fitted to. 

This process allows us to make room for the veneer so that your teeth are not any larger than usual. Before we remove the enamel, we may apply some anaesthetic to numb the area, so that the treatment is pain-free. It’s important to remember that the amount of enamel that we remove is the same thickness as the veneer which is set to be fitted, so is very minimal. 

As well as porcelain veneers, we also offer composite veneer treatment. This is a relatively new form of treatment and is less invasive as no enamel is shaved from the tooth, however, they are not as durable as porcelain veneers, lasting around 4-8 years as opposed to 10-15.

So, Do Veneers Damage Your Teeth? 

Although some small, minor adjustments are made to your teeth in order to fit veneers, there are many dental improvements that come with having veneers fitted. Some patients choose to get veneers as the enamel on their teeth is damaged, so having veneers fitted replaces any lost or worn-down enamel. Veneers can also fix minor cosmetic problems and whiten your smile and, as veneers are mostly stain resistant, so you don’t need to worry about future discolouration or needing to have further whitening treatment. 

Some patients do experience an increase in tooth sensitivity following veneer treatment, however, this is to be expected following some cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening and orthodontic treatments. For the first few days following having your veneers fitted, you might feel some sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, but this usually goes away after a few days or it can be managed with the right dental products. 

If you’re wondering how veneers damage your teeth, the perception often comes from the fact that dentists need to change the shape and structure of your natural teeth in order to place them properly. These changes are permanents and irreversible, as you can not restore the enamel which is removed before veneer placement. It’s important to remember that veneers will eventually need to be replaced as they last around 10 years on average.


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